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Beginning with "H"

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Geraldine Kerr

Ingrid Hammermueller

Georgia Young

Search For Past Classmates Starting With "H"
"Thanks to all on this page who have confirmed their addresses.
The following list will be updated as we confirm additional contact information."

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Last Name First Name Given Name
(First, Middle)
Married Name Photo Bio Date Deceased
Then Now
Hallahan Mike Edward, Michael   March 12, 2011
Hansen Gary Gary, Martin   April 1, 2016
Hanzlik Paula Paula, Marie    
Harper Kirk Kirk,  
Henry Bob 'Coach' Bob, July 18, 2015
Hubbell Peggy Peggy, Ann Hoffman   October 25, 2016
Peyton Hugh Hugh, Joseph   September 27, 2004
Thornton H. H., Ronald   May 15, 1994
Van Ness Jill Jill, Hamilton April 3, 2011