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Ramon Treanor

Monica Davis

Jim Marquardt

Reasons To Attend Future Reunions

We just had our 40-year reunion! We had a fun filled evening and we had a very large turnout.

To those who didn't attend and missed a good time. We've heard all the excuses on why some didn't come. They've gained weight, lost hair, never married, never graduated from college, have boring jobs, don't want to come alone, (fill in your excuse here), etc. We say, WHO CARES!! We've all changed. No one has stayed the same since High School, Thank Goodness! FYI, many alumni, single and married attended solo. What's important is that we got together with some old friends, reminisced, and had a good time.

Did you know a reunion only lasts about five hours? What's five hours every 5 or 10 years in your life. Most of us spend more time watching TV in one week, some in one day.

We realize that some of you go on vacation, have a conflict with another important event, and quite a few of you live out of state, but what about the rest of you? The majority of the alumni still lives in Southern California. So don't miss the next reunion.

If you are among the "Not Found", contact us
so that you never miss another reunion.